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User Experience

1. What is the User Experience in UX?

User Experience (UX) refers to the overall experience and satisfaction a person has when interacting with a digital product or service. It encompasses aspects like usability, accessibility, efficiency, and the emotional response elicited from the user during the interaction.

2. What is the User Experience with a Standard ChatBot?

The user experience with a standard chatbot typically involves interacting with a pre-programmed, rule-based system. These interactions are often limited to straightforward, predictable exchanges and might lack depth, personalization, and contextual understanding, leading to a functional but potentially rigid and impersonal user experience.

3. What is the User Experience with the New Generation of ChatBot LLM?

The user experience with the new generation of ChatBot LLMs (Large Language Models) is characterized by more natural, intuitive, and human-like interactions. These advanced chatbots understand context, adapt to user preferences, and learn from interactions, offering a dynamic, personalized, and engaging experience that closely resembles communicating with a human.

To better understand the difference, please check this page dedicated to the chatbots LLM